Associazione ESSPER periodici italiani di economia, scienze sociali e storia
Autori: Mazzini, Federico, Portanova, Stamatia Titolo: «Parlami del futuro». Riflessioni sull'intelligenza artificiale generativa a un anno dall'uscita di ChatGPT Periodico: Studi culturali Anno: 2023 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 367 - Pagina finale: 378
The release of ChatGPT in November 2022 has generated fears and hopes often out of proportion to the real capabilities and meanings of the technology in its current configuration. This article proposes a reorientation of academic attention in regard to Large Language Models, both in its short-term effects (on teaching, information management, scientific writing) and in its longer-term implications (on communication, the relationship with the human, and the very concepts of reasoning and intelligence).
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