Poli, Roberto Titolo:
La valutazione della prova testimoniale nel processo civilePeriodico:
Ars interpretandiAnno:
2023 - Volume:
12 - Fascicolo:
2 - Pagina iniziale:
11 - Pagina finale:
35The essay first examines the structural elements of the evidence evaluation activity, and then focuses on testimonial evidence. In light of the epistemological and psychological aspects of testimony in general, the function and forms – immediate and mediated – of the testimonial statement are examined. The investigation continues by focusing on the specific object and methods of evaluating witness evidence, with attention to the burdens of motivation and the possibilities of its control in the phases of appealing the sentence.
SICI: 1722-8352(2023)12:2<11:LVDPTN>2.0.ZU;2-I
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