Autore: Forlivesi, Michele
Titolo: Next Generation EU: una nuova frontiera dell'integrazione europea
Periodico: Lavoro e diritto
Anno: 2023 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 211 - Pagina finale: 230

The essay starts from the analysis of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) program and the Recovery and Resilience Facility, illustrating how these programs have opened a new frontier in the process of European integration, leading to a real “paradigm shiftµ in European economic policy. After an analysis of the legal bases of the NGEU, the author focuses on the analysis of EU Regulation 2021/241 describing the conditionalities and levels of governance that guide the RRF program and the consequent national PNRR plan. The essay closes with an analysis of the future developments of the PNRR plan determined by the (next) approval of the new REPower EU program.

SICI: 1120-947X(2023)2<211:NGEUNF>2.0.ZU;2-V
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