Autore: Ventura, Marco
Titolo: Sintesi. Trasformazioni della bilateralità nel diritto ecclesiastico
Periodico: Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica
Anno: 2023 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 307 - Pagina finale: 322

Reviewing the articles of this section of Quaderni, the author identifies two main lines of transformation of the bilateral principle, a key feature and tool in Italian law and religion (diritto ecclesiastico). First, variations in terminology and categories are understood as pointing at an extremely diverse and plural legal scholarship. Second, hypothesis on whether the bilateral principle is on the rise or in decline are discussed. Conclusively it is argued that the reality of cooperation and dialogue and its desirability are paramount in contemporary diritto ecclesiastico. The bilateral principle is criticised or advocated accordingly, depending on whether it is seen as an opportunity or a liability in the strenghtening of cooperation and dialogue between civil and religious actors

SICI: 1122-0392(2023)1<307:STDBND>2.0.ZU;2-1
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