Autore: Porciani, Ilaria
Titolo: Soul food e orgoglio nero: una storia (afro)americana
Periodico: Contemporanea
Anno: 2023 - Volume: 100 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 159 - Pagina finale: 171

African-Americans’ contribution to the nation’s gastronomic culture was relevant. Slaves forcefully ripped out of Africa brought with them a profound knowledge of rice cultivations which proved to be crucial for Southern States’ prosperity. They also introduced a new taste for spices and foodways. The wider public is now becoming familiar with these themes thanks to TV serials, new museums and public history events promoted by starred cooks. This contribution focuses on key issues such as the invention of soul food in the civil rights struggle, women’s agency, and the deconstruction of racist stereotypes. It points out how genealogic and genomic investigation on African ancestry intertwines with the study of ancient foodways of the countries of origin. Focusing on food justice, shows how race as a category of analysis helps in understanding and promoting a struggle against food apartheid

SICI: 1127-3070(2023)100:1<159:SFEONU>2.0.ZU;2-M
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