Autori: La Motta, Sergio, Jorizzo, Mario
Titolo: The technology mechanism under the UNFCCC as a transformational policy to help achieving Low Carbon Societies
Periodico: Geoprogress journal
Anno: 2017 - Volume: 4 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 41 - Pagina finale: 50

The goal of this report is to analyse the Technology Mechanism (TM) established under UNFCCC in 2010 at COP16 in Cancun, to highlight the process behind its conception, its current status of implementation, its efficacy to fostering Low Carbon Transition and the way forward according to the Paris Agreement of COP21. TM is organized in two branches: the Technology Executive Committee – TEC, responsible for setting the strategies and the Climate Technology Centre and Network – CTCN for the implementation of specific mitigation and adaptation projects in Developing Countries. The Technology Mechanism represents a discontinuity in the traditional way of conceiving cooperation towards Developing Countries as it acts as “a 'dynamic' arrangement geared towards fostering public-private partnerships; promoting innovation; catalysing the use of technology road maps or action plans; mobilizing national, regional and international technology centres and network; and facilitating joint R&D activities” on a “Country-driven basis". Moreover, after analysing the main characteristics of CTCN projects implemented so far, we will propose an evaluation approach of such projects based on the social network analysis in order to capture also the “local self-empowerment” aspects for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SICI: 2384-9398(2017)4:1<41:TTMUTU>2.0.ZU;2-A
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