Autore: Semprebon, Mariagrazia
Titolo: The environmental issue in China: norms and enforcement after COP-21 climate summit in Paris
Periodico: Geoprogress journal
Anno: 2016 - Volume: 3 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 57 - Pagina finale: 71

It is well known that the dramatic economic development of China has had a severe impact on the environment during the past 30 years. This paper shows an environmental picture of one of the largest country in the world, focusing on the legislative aspect and its evolution through time. Then the study takes a glance through a relevant example of environmental issue: The Chinese Pesticide Legislation and its evolution. Finally, the paper draws some consideration after the COP-21 climate summit in Paris, with an address to the outlook of environmental protection in China both in the cities and in the countryside.

SICI: 2384-9398(2016)3:2<57:TEIICN>2.0.ZU;2-G
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