Autori: Firouzi Tabar, Omid, Fabini, Giulia
Titolo: "Criminali", "vittime", "untori": leggere il governo delle migrazioni attraverso la pandemia
Periodico: Studi sulla questione criminale
Anno: 2022 - Volume: no - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 75 - Pagina finale: 98

In this article, we will examine the way in which reception centers, CPRs, hotspots and quarantine ships have operated as tools for controlling migration in the context of the pandemic in Italy, in order to investigate what functions they might have assumed in this historical scenario. The analysis uses both empirical data from a field research on the reception system in Veneto, in particular in the CAS of Treviso, and secondary data contained in some reports by NGOs, guarantee figures and civil society as regards to hotspots, CPR and quarantine-ships. The article focuses first on the devices of reception and then on those of detention, going in both cases to question the continuity and possible innovations of the mechanisms control, as well as the accelerations and radicalizations of trends that were already present.

SICI: 1828-4973(2022)NO:1<75:"""LIG>2.0.ZU;2-P
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