Autore: Buffa, Matteo
Titolo: Didattica del diritto e cultura giuridica nell'educazione (in)attuale. Note a margine di un recente manuale
Periodico: Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica
Anno: 2022 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 237 - Pagina finale: 248

Inspired from the first handbook dedicated to the didactics of law as an independent teaching-subject, the article aims to highlight some issues that still seem to affect contemporary legal education practices. Although recent reforms intervention on teachers’ qualification, the teaching of law, both in schools and in our universities, seems to suffer from some rather outdated techniques and contents. Recently, the didactics of law has shown (itself) to be looking for new ways of expression, at the encounter between legal alphabetization and vocational education to law and rights. We are presented with an unfinished effort to restore a plural and inclusive meaning to the notions of competence, education, practice. Only through these balancing reflections on meta-education, innovative pathways to train a new generation of jurists and citizens appear to be traceable

SICI: 1120-9607(2022)1<237:DDDECG>2.0.ZU;2-S
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