Autore: Amodio, Teresa
Titolo: Aree interne e beni culturali: il patrimonio dismesso in Costiera Amalfitana
Periodico: Annali del turismo
Anno: 2019 - Volume: 8 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 103 - Pagina finale: 117

The contribution intends to combine some themes that refer to the abandoned areas and the need for recovery connected to them, to the internal areas and to the possible economic revitalization processes, to the role of the cultural heritage for the creation of tourist offers complementary to the seaside ones. To this end, the case of a geographic context of great value is presented, which, however, is affected by the presence of hilly and mountainous areas behind the sea belt where a range of cultural assets is found that are not adequately valued. It is, in particular, a rich proto-industrial heritage linked to ancient milling and paper production, which had characterized the economy and the economic history of the area since the Middle Ages. The research was carried out using a methodology based on census, location of disused structures, analysis of the characteristics of each and realization of photographic and informative documentation. The final result provides the framework of a cultural, material and immaterial heritage, located in the internal area of the Costa that insists, abandoned, on the territory.

SICI: 2283-3102(2019)8:1<103:AIEBCI>2.0.ZU;2-Y
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