Salis, Mauro Titolo:
Redimere, convertire, riconvertire. Produzione, risemantizzazione e uso di immagini mariane nelle isole mediterranee dell'Impero spagnolo (secoli XVI-XVII): il caso Sardegna / Redeem, convert, re-convert. Production, resemantization and use of Marian images in the Mediterranean islands of the Spanish Empire (XVI-XVII centuries): the case of Sardinia = Redeem, convert, re-convert. Production, resemantization and use of Marian images in the Mediterranean islands of the Spanish Empire (XVI-XVII centuries): the case of SardiniaPeriodico:
Il capitale culturaleAnno:
2019 - Fascicolo:
20 - Pagina iniziale:
13 - Pagina finale:
42The purpose of this essay is to investigate the impact of the Marian cults specialized against the Muslim threat in Sardinia in the 16th-17th centuries by analyzing the relative Marian iconographies. Specifically we intend to study the processes of reception and diffusion of the devotions sponsored by the mendicant orders of the Trinitarians (Our Lady of Ransom, Our Lady of Good Remedy), of the Mercedarians (Our Lady of Mercy, Our Lady of Bonaria) and in particular of the Augustinians (Virgin Hodegetria), which played a key role in the development of a new iconography with underlying messages of redemption, conversion and reconversion. In the investigation, the political, social and devotional context of reference is taken into account, data are gleaned from archival and literary sources and particular attention is paid to the use of images in their dual expression through sculptural production and literary description.
SICI: 2039-2362 (2019)20<13:RCRPRE>2.0.ZU;2-1
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