Messina, Giovanni Titolo:
Oscurità, sguardo e lettura degli spazi. Sensibilità geografiche nel Notturno di D'Annunzio / Darkness, gaze and reading of spaces. Geographical sensitivities in the D'Annunzio's Notturno = Darkness, glance and reading of spaces. Geographical sensitivity in D'Annunzio's NotturnoPeriodico:
Il capitale culturaleAnno:
2019 - Fascicolo:
20 - Pagina iniziale:
327 - Pagina finale:
340This paper aims to contribute to the geographical debate up on the role, in literature, of perception in reading space and landscapes. Here we want to investigate how the darkness, a salient element of the night, determines, in D'Annunzio's poetics, specific readings of spaces. In particular, we want to focus on Notturno, a work written in conditions of blindness. The blindness, comparable - as indicated by the title - to the night, increases the perceptual sensitivity: this way, the spatial readings acquire, from a geographical point of view, particular interest.
SICI: 2039-2362 (2019)20<327:OSELDS>2.0.ZU;2-H
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