Autori: Nacci, Maria Grazia, Pannacciulli, Cecilia
Titolo: [Puglia] I percorsi di accoglienza in famiglia dei "nuovi immigrati" nel quadro delle politiche di inclusione sociale e culturale della Regione Puglia
Periodico: Le regioni
Anno: 2019 - Fascicolo: 5/6 - Pagina iniziale: 1813 - Pagina finale: 1830

The Italian integration model reflects the absence of a unitary plan. The Regions and Local authorities play such a substitute function that they can talk about new «local citizenships». In this context, it is necessary to frame the social and cultural inclusion policies of the Puglia Region, in which the paper aims to analyze two social innovation initiatives promoted by the Municipality of Bari. These are projects to test family reception models for new immigrants, one targeting unaccompanied foreign minors, the other adult refugees. The paper highlights the enormous potential of these models, focused on the role that the «family resource» can play in the great challenge of sociocultural integration of new immigrants, through solidarity methods, with a view to horizontal subsidiarity. The reception route, however, could be undermined by the lack of clear positive rules and restrictive jurisprudence in the matter of «humanitarian protection». In conclusion, as the principle of equality does not tolerate discrimination between citizens and foreigners when it comes to protecting the inviolable human rights, the guarantee of social rights calls into action the State so that it frees itself from the alibi of vertical and horizontal subsidiarity and resumes the fundamental role of removing socioeconomic inequalities and promoting social solidarity policies.

SICI: 0391-7576(2019)5/6<1813:[IPDAI>2.0.ZU;2-M
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