Autore: Rivosecchi, Guido
Titolo: Decisioni di bilancio e politiche pubbliche fra Unione europea, Stato e autonomie territoriali
Periodico: Diritto pubblico
Anno: 2018 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 385 - Pagina finale: 412

Starting from the assessment of the compliance with budgetary rules, this contribution analyses some of the challenges surrounding the implementation and financing of public policies between the European Union, the State and the regional and local self-government. The essay deals with the degree of integration reached among the different levels of government. It also considers the problems related to the actual enforcement of the principle of loyal cooperation and to the financing of the administrative functions allocated betwen the State and the local and regional autonomies. In doing so, it compares the results achieved with the lacking determination of the basic level of benefits linked to social entitlements and with the limited fiscal autonomy of the regional and local self-government.

SICI: 1721-8985(2018)2<385:DDBEPP>2.0.ZU;2-T
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