Autore: Serrano Martín, Eliseo
Titolo: Devociones en Zaragoza en el siglo XVII: vírgenes aparecidas, mártires y obispos
Periodico: Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica
Anno: 2017 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 113 - Pagina finale: 154

Among the devotions of Zaragoza of the 17th century there are ancient martyrs like Santa Engracia, who was patron saint of the city since 1480, appeared virgins, like the virgin of the Portillo (1119) and bishops like San Valero (patron saint since the 12th century). All these devotions would have been eclipsed by the Virgin of Pilar. According to the legend, she appeared to the apostle James in Zaragoza. From the end of the Middle Ages this marian vocation would have been transformed in an important religious festival due to the miracles attributed to it, the intense spread of information and the patronage of its temple by the Monarchy. This essay also shows how common were holy cards, relics and medals of these devotions in the domestic interiors.

SICI: 1125-517X(2017)2<113:DEZEES>2.0.ZU;2-D
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