Autori: De Santis, Roberta, Jona Lasinio, Cecilia, Ferroni, Valeria
Titolo: Investment in innovation and the italian productivity slowdown:an industry perspective
Periodico: Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze. Dipartimento del Tesoro. Note tematiche
Anno: 2017 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 1 - Pagina finale: 17

Italian productivity growth experienced a prolonged slowdown over the past two decades. Although the underlying causes of the productivity decline are still a matter of debate, possible explanations are related to the changing nature of production, and to the missing role of innovation in generating sustained output growth in Italy. This study provides some preliminary evidence on the role of R&D and software as drivers of growth for the Italian economy over the last twenty years. We investigate industry growth accounting data to evaluate the growth contribution of the above intangible assets. Our preliminary findings show that, consistent with the existing literature, the contribution of ICT and intangible capital to labor productivity and value added growth was higher in manufacturing than in services, but relatively small compared to the other EU economies. As for the industry breakdown, we found that: i) the most “innovative” and “productive” sectors were with few exceptions (textile, clothing and leather) characterized by a relatively larger firm size ii) Italian traditional industries (“made in Italy”) have a rather low propensity to innovate; iii) the introduction of the euro fostered a re-organization of the industrial sectors that in Italy was not accompanied by an increasing role for intangible and ICT capital, iv) R&D activities and production/use of software have been resilient over the financial crisis.

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