Autore: Battaglia, Francesco
Titolo: Sugli obblighi internazionali in materia di salvataggio di migranti in mare e sulla necessità di adottare misure europee di solidarietà
Periodico: Democrazia & sicurezza (Online)
Anno: 2015 - Volume: V - Fascicolo: 4 - Pagina iniziale: 125 - Pagina finale: 159

This article analyses the management of migrations flaws in the Mediterranean, focusing on the question of migrants that from the North Africa arrive to the southern cost of Italy with the intent to move into others EU countries. Because of the emergency situation caused by the increasing numbers of migrants through this route during the last five years, the European countries should strengthen their activities to rescue boat in distress and to protect the fundamental rights of migrants. As underlined in the article, this responsibility should be shared by EU countries in compliance with the principle of Solidarity stated by the Lisbon Treaty. Starting from this observation, the article will take under consideration the Italian choice to suspend the operation Mare Nostrum and the EU decision to start Triton within the framework of FRONTEX.

SICI: 2239-804X(2015)V:4<125:SOIIMD>2.0.ZU;2-6
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