Autori: Ienna, Gerardo, Lancialonga, Federico
Titolo: Pas la tristesse ouvrière, mais la joie ouvrière! Intervista a Ugo Gregoretti
Periodico: Studi culturali
Anno: 2016 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 243 - Pagina finale: 258

The flow of memories, anecdotes, and testimonies emerging from this interview with Ugo Gregoretti, besides providing a completely original retrospective on the Italian and international cinema of the sixties, provides a portrait of a filmmaker who made his «intolerance» for labels his working principle for an eclectic, atypical, revolutionary, and free cinema.

SICI: 1824-369X(2016)2<243:PLTOML>2.0.ZU;2-D
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Esportazione dati in Refworks (solo per utenti abilitati)

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