Autori: Azzariti, Gaetano, Rescigno, Giuseppe Ugo, Angiolini, Vittorio, Sorace, Domenico, Travi, Aldo, Bilancia, Francesco, Civitarese Matteucci, Stefano, Ciarlo, Pietro, Pinelli, Cesare, Carnevale, Paolo, Bombardelli, Marco, Pioggia, Alessandra
Titolo: Giudici e legislatori, con interventi di Cesare Pinelli, Giuseppe Ugo Rescigno, Aldo Travi, Marco Bombardelli, Vittorio Angiolini, Pietro Ciarlo, Alessandra Pioggia, Stefano Civitarese Matteucci, Gaetano Azzariti, Francesco Bilancia, Paolo Carnevale, Domenico Sorace
Periodico: Diritto pubblico
Anno: 2016 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 483 - Pagina finale: 624

The Journal inaugurates a new 'Debates' Section by hosting the discussion which took place in Florence on 30 October 2015 between present and past members of the Steering Committee on the topic 'Judges and Legislators'. Setting out from the observation that the relationship between the courts and legislators represents today, perhaps even more than in the past, a terrain of tension in contemporary constitutional democracies, each paper addresses some problematic area or emerging issue of such a relationship, focusing on the political-institutional framework as well as the dynamics of the legal system also in light of the influence of supranational law.

SICI: 1721-8985(2016)2<483:GELCID>2.0.ZU;2-S
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