Autore: Romeo, Giovanni
Titolo: La giustizia ecclesiastica nell'Italia moderna. A proposito di un recente inventario
Periodico: Studi storici
Anno: 2015 - Fascicolo: 4 - Pagina iniziale: 987 - Pagina finale: 996

Studies on ecclesiastical justice in modern Italy focus mainly on Holy Office courts - the most famous tribunals of the Roman Catholic church. However, Apostolic Nunciature courts are of equal importance. The survey discusses their importance, in relation to a recent, accurate inventory, which presents to scholars the rich and unexplored judicial Archives of the Nunciature of Savoy preserved in the Vatican Secret Archives. It will allow a deeper, more adequate understanding of unknown characteristics of Italy's civil and religious history between the Counter-Reformation and the Enlightenment.

SICI: 0039-3037(2015)4<987:LGENMA>2.0.ZU;2-G
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