Autore: De Lucia, Luca
Titolo: 'Pastorato' e 'disciplinamento' nella governance economica europea. Diritto e razionalità economica a seguito della crisi
Periodico: Diritto pubblico
Anno: 2015 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 867 - Pagina finale: 908

The contribution analyzes the relationship between legal logic and economic logicin the process of European integration. To that end, the author first illustratescertain features of so-called integration through law, which has long representedthe central element of the European system, then proceeding to dwell on the newforms of governance that have progressively come to flank it. A concise examinationfollows of the normative measures introduced in the aftermath of the crisisover the coordination of economic policies, the audit of the budgetary policies ofthe Member States and the mechanisms of financial assistance, giving an interpretationthereof with the help of two concepts elaborated by Michel Foucault:'astorate' and 'disciplining'. From the author's standpoint, such analysis makes itpossible to comprehend the profound sense of the new techniques of governancethat have ended up by also involving the role of the Court of Justice and the positionof the national judges. Finally, the author offers a critique on the documentof June 2015, prepared by the President of the European Commission in collaborationwith the President of the European Council, by the European CentralBank, by the Eurogroup and by the European Parliament, expressing his hopethat the next reform of European economic governance will mark a break withthese recent trends and will take into due account the profound economic, historicaland cultural differences among Eurozone States in accordance with a logicdirected toward solidarity and social cohesion.

SICI: 1721-8985(2015)3<867:'E'NGE>2.0.ZU;2-V
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