Autore: Tosatti, Giovanna
Titolo: Il misterioso caso dei "profughi siciliani" del 1941
Periodico: Le Carte e la storia
Anno: 2015 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 102 - Pagina finale: 110

The article deals with the outstanding event taking place during the summer of 1941,when Mussolini, on August the 5th, gave orders to his Ministers to remove from Sicily allthe civil servants born in the island, no matter what their level was. Despite accurateresearch within the archives of different ministries, it has been impossible to trace a certainreason for this measure. It seems that Mussolini was suspicious of a part of Sicilian people,whom he believed to be pro-England and against the conflict. The removal affected morethan a thousand civil servants, including several public managers from Home office andDepartment of Education, as well as magistrates, officers, many among them being - atleast supposedly - loyal to the Fascism and with no palpable responsibility. The measureresulted in remarkable hitches for the administration, due to the almost total turnover ofclerks in the very same time; another outcome was a considerable increasing of separatisttendencies among Sicilian people.

SICI: 1123-5624(2015)2<102:IMCD"S>2.0.ZU;2-#
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