Autore: Farese, Giovanni
Titolo: Istituzioni e cerchie finanziarie tra Italia e Stati Uniti: da Aldrich-Beneduce a Black-Menichella
Periodico: Le Carte e la storia
Anno: 2015 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 94 - Pagina finale: 101

The paper offers new viewpoints in the history of financial relations between Italy andthe United States from the post-World War I era to the post-World War II era. WWII didnot break longstanding institutional-personal ties in the high-banking circles in the twocountries considered. At centre stage here is the banker W.W. Aldrich, chairman of ChaseBank. Notably, his relationship with Italian economist Alberto Beneduce foreshadows theone between the president of the World Bank, Eugene Robert Black (former vice-presidentof Chase), and the governor of the Bank of Italy, Donato Menichella (former director generalof Beneduce's Iri-Institute for Industrial Reconstruction). Two men from Chase: Aldrichand Black. Two men from Iri: Beneduce and Menichella. Archival sources here includeAldrich Papers culled from Baker Library at Harvard Business School. Much remains tobe done in US archives for the study of the economic history of Italy.

SICI: 1123-5624(2015)2<94:IECFTI>2.0.ZU;2-I
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