Autore: Mura, Salvatore
Titolo: Il programma di Luigi Luzzatti a favore della piccola proprietà contadina (1897-1911)
Periodico: Le Carte e la storia
Anno: 2015 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 71 - Pagina finale: 83

This article is part of a wider study aimed at understanding how the Italian legislatoraddressed the land issue, especially the problemof the distribution of land property, from 1861 to 1914. The historiography on liberal Italy has neglected (mainly because of thevery recent public opening of the historical archives of the Chamber of Deputies and ofthe Senate) the legislative initiatives which, even though not successful, reveal a remarkableeffort to come to a more equitable distribution of land property.During the Giolitti era, Luigi Luzzatti was among the men of government more attentiveto the small landed property. In March 1910, appointed presidente del Consiglio, hepresented to the Chamber of Deputies a bill entitled "Provvedimenti per la formazione econservazione della piccola proprietà rustica e per il bene di famiglia". The main objectiveswere to encourage the creation of a socio-economic system based on small landed propertyand to protect the inviolable right of ownership of the farmer family. The project hadtherefore the characteristics of a courageous reform. Luzzatti'e efforts, however, proved tobe useless.

SICI: 1123-5624(2015)2<71:IPDLLA>2.0.ZU;2-7
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