Autore: Labardi, Andrea
Titolo: Un'istituzione della Toscana lorenese: la Deputazione sopra la nobiltà e la cittadinanza
Periodico: Le Carte e la storia
Anno: 2013 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 39 - Pagina finale: 63

The article deals with the heraldic tribunal of the Granducato di Tuscany and the homologousbody after Italian unification. It concerns the period between 1750 and 1948, duringwhich the way aristocracy was perceived deeply changed. The essay reconstructs the originsof the Deputazione on aristocracy and citizenship, its function and its organization as wellas its concrete tools. The Deputazione was established to compile the aristocracy GoldenBook, a regulation dating from 1750 put under the complete control of the sovereign. However, this aim was never been achieved. The Deputazione continued to exist as an advisorybody even when, after the Restoration, the concept of aristocracy started its own irreversiblechange. Privileging the institutional side, the article reconstructs the structures ofthe Deputazione and of the heraldic Tuscany Commissione in the Italian Kingdom andhighlights some elements of continuity of competences and traditions which were able toresist a radical institutional transformation. Particularly, it is interesting to note how theancient Tuscan municipal citizenship kept its undisputed authority and its great vitalityeven after Italian unification. Therefore, the connection between noble title and access tothe office of mayor lasted for all of the 19th century. Finally, for both bodies analyzed in theessay, the concept of civic aristocracy imposed a delicate balance between consolidatedrights and royal prerogative.

SICI: 1123-5624(2013)1<39:UDTLLD>2.0.ZU;2-J
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