Autore: Trimarchi, Carmen
Titolo: Riformare le istituzioni per rafforzare lo Stato: il progetto istituzionale di Giorgio Arcoleo
Periodico: Le Carte e la storia
Anno: 2013 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 21 - Pagina finale: 27

Eminent constitutionalist and protagonist of Italian political and cultural lifebetween the nineteenth and twentieth century, Giorgio Arcoleo (Caltagirone 1848-Napoli 1914) is especially known for his plan to reform the Senate; a plan that, confirmingthe principle of office for life and the system of categories, wanted a transformation of the Senate from King appointed to partially elected. In reality, thisproject had to fit into a much broader reform that had as key elements a necessaryand urgent renewal of the ruling classes and a new found clarity of institutionalrelations that would finally clarify the relationship between politics and administration,balancing each with its own sphere of autonomy in the higher unity ofthe State and its institutions. Thus said, the institutional recovery plan which GiorgioArcoleo foresaw was also refined through some concrete reform proposals suchas the High Court of Justice, careful social legislation and political representationreform for the Upper House (but also advocated for the Chamber of Deputies).The political and constitutional history of Italy, however, failed to follow the pathbriefly summarized here: the Royal Senate would prove to be impossible toreform and the political liberal classes of the first years of the century would chooseto lock themselves within increasingly rigid and authoritarian positions.

SICI: 1123-5624(2013)1<21:RLIPRL>2.0.ZU;2-F
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