Autore: Rescigno, Giuseppe Ugo
Titolo: Lavoro e Costituzione
Periodico: Diritto pubblico
Anno: 2009 - Volume: 15 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 21 - Pagina finale: 56

The text treats the following topics: the words of the constitutional text; workers, persons who perform an activity or function that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society, citizens; on the duty to perform activities or functions that contribute to the material or spiritual progress of society; labour and non-labour, workers and non-workers; the Constitution provides for and guarantees both labour and capital, both property and the human being; on the second paragraph of Art. 3; the first paragraph of Art. 4: the right to work; about the goal of full employment; unemployment benefits for the involuntarily unemployed; labour as the foundation of the Republic.

SICI: 1721-8985(2009)15:1<21:LEC>2.0.ZU;2-3
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