
Risultato della ricerca: (8 titoli )

Charles Davenant's politics and political arithmetic
History of economic ideas - 2005
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

The agent, the actor, and the spectator: Adam Smith's metaphors in recent literature
History of economic ideas - 2005
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Utility, money and transaction costs: authoritarian vs libertarian monetary policies
History of economic ideas - 2005
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

On 'local styles' of political economy: the italian case (1850-1930)
History of economic ideas - 2005
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Praxeological vs positive time preference: Ludwig von Mises's contribution to interest theory
History of economic ideas - 2005
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

economics in time vs time in economics: building models so that time matters
History of economic ideas - 2005
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Are we all post keynesians ?
History of economic ideas - 2005
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

The scottish enlightment: a japanese view
History of economic ideas - 2005
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF