
Journal of modern Italian studies  -  2005

Risultato della ricerca: (82 titoli )

Alberto Mario Banti and Roberto Bizzocchi (eds) (2002), Immagini della nazione nell'Italia del Risorgimento (Studi storici Carocci 14) (Roma: Carocci editore) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Alessandra Contini (2002), La reggenza lorenese tra Firenze e Vienna. Logiche dinastiche, uomini e governo (1737-1766) (Firenze: Leo S. Olschki editore) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Americanization and the judicialization of Italian politics
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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The 'americanization' of Italian foreign policy?
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Carole M. Counihan (2004), Around the Tuscan table: food, family and gender in twentieth-century Florence (New York: Routledge) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Cesare Lombroso and Guglielmo Ferrero (2004) Criminal woman, the prostitute and the normal woman. Translated and with a new introduction by Nicole Hahn Rafter and Mary Gibson (Durham, NC: Duke University Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Donatella Campus (2000), L'elettore pigro: informazione politica e scelte di voto (Bologna: il Mulino) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Eugenia Paulicelli (2004), Fashion under Fascism. Beyond the black shirt (New York: Berg) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Giorgio Agamben (2004), Il giorno del giudizio, followed by Gli aiutanti (Rome: Nottetempo) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Ilvo Diamanti (2003), Bianco, rosso, verde ... e azzurro. Mappe e colori dell'Italia politica (Bologna: il Mulino) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Italy and America: politics and culture
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Italy and America: politics and culture: americanization of Italian politics?
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Jeanne Chenault Porter (ed.) (2000) Baroque Naples: a documentary history 1600-1800 (New York: Italica Press) - John Santore (ed.) (2001) Modern Naples: a documentary history 1799-1999 (New York: Italica Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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John Picchione (2004), The new Avant-Garde in Italy: theoretical debate and poetic practices (Toronto: University of Toronto Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Karen Pinkus (2003), The Montesi scandal: the death of Wilma Montesi and the birth of the paparazzi in Fellini's Rome (Chicago: University of Chicago Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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M. Finelli (1999) 'Il prezioso elemento': Giuseppe Mazzini e gli emigrati italiani nell'esperienza della Scuola italiana di Londra - M. Finelli (2004) Il monumento di carta: l'edizione nazionale degli scritti di Giuseppe Mazzini [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Massimo D'Alema (2004), A Mosca. L'ultima volta (Rome: Donzelli) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Paolo Macry (ed.), (2003) Quando crolla lo Stato. Studi sull'Italia preunitaria (Naples: Liguori editori) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Patrizia Palumbo (ed.) (2003), A place in the sun: Africa in Italin colonial culture from post-unification to the present (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Peter Neville (2004), Mussolini (London: Routledge) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Pier Giorgio Zunino (2003), La repubblica e il suo passato. Il fascismo dopo il fascismo, il comunismo, la democrazia: le origini dell'Italia contemporanea (Bologna: il Mulino) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Pier Luigi Ballini (2003), La questione elettorale nella storia d'Italia: da Depretis a Giolitti (1876-1892), 2 vols (Rome: Archivio storico della Camera dei Deputati) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Political philosophy across the Atlantic: a difficult relationship?
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Renato Moro (2002), La Chiesa e lo sterminio degli ebrei (Bologna: il Mulino) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Roberto Salizzoni (ed.) (2003), Cultural studies, estetica, scienze umane (Turin: Trauben) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Sarah McPhee (2002), Bernini and the Bell Towers: architecture and politics at the Vatican (New Haven: Yale University Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Stanislao G. Pugliese (ed.) (2004), Fascism, anti-Fascism and the Resistance in Italy, 1919 to the Present (Lanham, MD: Rowen and Littlefield) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Tenth anniversary volume
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Towards a chequebook democracy? Business, parties and the funding of politics in Italy and the United States
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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A bigger Settecento italiano: wider vistas and open terrain
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Carlo Michelstaedter (2004), Persuasion and rhetoric. Translated with an introduction and commentary by Russell Scott Valentino, Cinzia Sartini Blum and David J. Depew (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Cultural capitals and cosmopolitism in eighteenth-century Italy: the historiography and Italy on the Grand Tour
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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The culture of Enlightenment and reform in eighteenth-century Italy [Interventi tenuti alla conferenza omonima svoltasi il 23-24 gennaio 2004]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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The culture of Enlightenment and reform in eighteenth-century Italy. Introduction
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Emilio Gentile (2003), The struggle for modernity. Nationalism, Futurism and Fascism (Westport, Connecticut, & London: Praeger Publishers) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Enlightenment and reform: an overview of culture and politics in Enlightenment Italy
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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The Enlightenment and the church in the work of Franco Venturi: the fertile legacy of a civil religion
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Franco Venturi's 'crisis' of the Old Regime
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Giorgio Fabre (2004), Il contratto: Mussolini editore di Hitler (Bari: Edizioni Dedalo) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Giulia Guazzaloca (2004), Fine secolo. Gli intellettuali italiani e inglesi e la crisi tra Otto e Novecento (Bologna: il Mulino) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Giuliana Biagioli and Rossano Pazzagli (eds) (2004), Agricoltura come manifattura. Istruzione agraria, professionalizzazione e sviluppo agricolo nell'Ottocento (Florence: Leo S. Olschki) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Habsburg Italy in the age of reform
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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The history of the book and publishing in eighteenth-century Italy
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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J. Tedeschi (ed.) (2002), The correspondence of Roland H. Bainton and Delio Cantimori (1932-1966). An enduring transatlantic friendship between two historians of religious toleration. With an appendix of documents (Florence: Leo Olschki) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Luca Somigli (2003), Legitimizing the artist: manifesto writing and European modernism, 1885-1915 (Toronto-Buffalo-London: Toronto University Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Luciano Cheles and Claudio Sponza (eds) (2001), The art of persuasion: political communication in Italy from 1945 to the 1990s (Manchester: Manchester University Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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A. Lyttelton (ed.) (2002), Liberal and Fascist Italy, 1900-1945 (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Sandro Rinauro (2002), Storia del sondaggio d'opinione in Italia, 1936-1994. Dal lungo rifiuto alla Repubblica dei sondaggi (Venice: Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Willebrord Nieuwenhuis (2004), De vuist van Piemonte. De geschiedenis van de eenwording van Italie (Amsterdam: Bert Bakker) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Astrid Pellicano (2004), Terre e confini del Sud. La dinamica dell'articolazione amministrativa nelle regioni meridionali d'Italia (1861-2001) (Rome: Società geografica italiana) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Bibliografia dell'età del Risorgimento, 1970-2001 (2003), 3 vols (Florence: Leo S. Olschki) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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E. Minuto (2004) Il partito dei parlamentari. Sidney Sonnino e le istituzioni rappresentative (1900-1906) - J.Y. Frétigné (2002) Biographie intellectuelle d'un protagoniste de l'Italie libérale: Napoleone Colajanni (1847-1921). Essai sur ... [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Ernesto Preziosi (2003), Educare il popolo: azione cattolica e cultura popolare tra '800 e '900 (Rome: Ave) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Italian masculinities
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Italian masculinities. Preface
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Keystone of the patriarchal family? Indissoluble marriage, masculinity and divorce in Liberal Italy
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Letizia Paoli (2003), Mafia brotherhoods: organized crime, Italian style (New York: Oxford University Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Liberal decorum and men in conflict: Rome, 1871-90
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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The masculine mystique: antimodernism and virility in fascist Italy
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Nando Sigona (2002), Figli del ghetto. Gli italiani, i campi nomadi e l'invenzione degli zingari (Civezzano: Nonluoghi) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Till Wahnbaech (2004), Luxury and public happiness. Political economy in the Italian Enlightenment (Oxford: Oxford University Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Unmaking the fascist man: masculinity, film and the transition from dictatorship
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Alfio Mastropaolo (2005), La mucca pazza della democrazia - nuove destre, populismo, antipolitica (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Allied escapers and the contadini in occupied Italy (1943-5)
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Annie J. Randall and Rosalind Gray Davis (2005), Puccini and the Girl: history and reception of 'The girl of the golden West' (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Armed and unarmed: struggles without weapons in Europe and in Italy
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Debora Burton, Susan Vandiver Nicassio and Agostino Ziino (eds) (2004), Tosca's prism: three moments of western cultural history (Boston: Northeastern University Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Foreign Jews in the western Alps (1938-43) [In appendice: Report by the gendarme Fougère]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Gabriele Hammermann (2004), Gli internati militari italiani in Germania, 1943-1945 (Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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The Italian Resistance between history and memory
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Jennifer Lorch (2005), Pirandello: Six characters in search of an author (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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John F. Pollard (2005), Money and the rise of the modern papacy. Financing the Vatican, 1850-1950 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Kerstin Pilz (2005), Mapping complexity. Literature and science in the works of Italo Calvino (Leicester, UK: Troubador) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Martha King (2005), Grazia Deledda: a legendary life (Leicester, UK: Troubador) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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The never-ending liberation
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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The never-ending liberation. Introduction
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Roy Palmer Domenico (2002), Remaking Italy in the twentieth century (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Sandra Ponzanesi (20049, Paradoxes of postcolonial culture (Albany, NY: University of New York Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Stefano Luconi and Guido Tintori (2004), L'ombra lunga del fascio: canali di propaganda fascista per gli 'italiani d'America' (Milan: M&B Publishing) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Susanna Scarparo (2005), Elusive subjects: biography as gendered metafiction (Leicester, UK: Troubador) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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Susanna Scarparo and Rita Wilson (eds) (2004), Across genres, generations and borders: Italian women writing lives (Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press) [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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War in the mental hospitals: psychiatry and clinical files (1940-52)
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2005
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