
Metroeconomica  -  2003

Risultato della ricerca: (24 titoli )

Attitudes towards risk: an experiment
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Consumption takes time: a response
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

The importance of time
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Involuntary unemployment and the existence of GDP functions
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Multiple constraints and hicksian complementarity: a generalization and an application to portfolio choice
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

The role of turnover costs in the enforcement of performance–related pay contracts
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Stochastic dominance of pension plans
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Time as a resource and as a context
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Aggregation in production functions: what applied economists should know
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Can market power influence employment, wage inequality and growth?
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Capital flows, interest payments and the balance-of-payments constrained growth model: a heoretical and empirical analysis
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Detecting technological catch-up in economic convergence
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

The effects of taxation in a Kaleckian growth model
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Endogenous banking markup, distributional conflict and capacity utilization
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

A model of take-off and fast growth in open economies
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Population, unemployment and economic growth cycles: a further explanatory perspective
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Short- and long-run effects of environmental degradation: a structuralist approach
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Contracts, the spot market wage and unemployment benefits
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

The core of a production economy with asymmetric information
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

An extension of the structural change model to international economic relations
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Mortality, the trade-off between child quality and quantity, and demo-economic development
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Regimes of Interest Rates, Income Shares, Savings and investment: a Kaleckian model and empirical estimations for some advanced OECD economies
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Wage hikes as supply and demand shock
Metroeconomica - 2003
Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF