
Esposti, Roberto

Public R&D design and technological spill-ins a dynamic model
Università degli studi di Ancona. Dipartimento di Economia. Quaderni
Anno: 2000 - Volume: 6 - Fascicolo: 136 - Pagina iniziale: 1

The paper presents a dynamic model for the analysis of the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARSs) strategy. In a context of increasing globalisation, both intersectoral and international technology spill-ins can highly affect the NARS design and this paper proposes an analytical framework to study it when relevant spill-ins are present. These are calculated applying the Yale Technology Concordance (YTC) methodology. A VAR/VEC model is then specified to empirically detect, given the calculated spill-ins, what NARS design prevails in a dynamic framework. The model is estimated for the Italian agriculture data and provides evidence of strong dependency on the external R&D sources.

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