Monina, GiancarloTitolo
Il dopoguerra: da "La Verità" a "Discussioni" (1945-1950)Periodico
2019 - Volume:
61 - Fascicolo:
1/2 - Pagina iniziale:
105 - Pagina finale:
122After the clandestine activity in the Resistance and the experience of imprisonment, in the post-war Claudio Pavone made his debut on the public scene as promoter and collaborator of some political and cultural journals: the fortnightly “La Verità µ, “La Cittadellaµ and the monthly bulletin “Foglio di Discussioniµ. The essay reconstructs this important fragment of Pavone’s biography through the writings and correspondence of the time, the unpublished memories and testimony. This also documents a section of history and cultural elaboration of a generation of Italian intellectuals, the one who grew up under fascism.
SICI: 1122-5300(2019)61:1/2<105:IDD"VA>2.0.ZU;2-
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