
Russo, Ivan
Masorgo, Nicolò

Searching for the right operations strategy to manage the repair process across the reverse supply chain
Anno: 2019 - Volume: 37 - Fascicolo: 109 - Pagina iniziale: 17 - Pagina finale: 33

Purpose of the paper: The paper aims to study the impact of different repair process strategies on a retailer’s product returns management operations by focusing on a make-or-buy analysis for an outsourcing-insourcing decision-making process. Methodology: An action-based research study on a single case study of an Italian small-sized retailer operating in the online commerce was carried out. Results: Results shed light on the determination of the repair process strategies implemented by the retailer, the identification of the returns rate and the cost and benefits of each single strategy, and the definition of the best practice to be selected. Research limitations: The main limitation of this research is the focus on a single case study that provides an insight on a specific industrial sector and on determined products. Practical implications: This study bridges existing gaps in the literature at both theoretical level, by presenting a further case study on the repair process strategies, and at practical level, by determining a fully focused step-by-step analysis of the managerial decision-making process, while choosing the best practice in a make-or- buy framework. Originality of the paper: This paper provides a make-or-buy analysis of the outsourcing-insourcing reverse logistics activities concerning an e-commerce retailer struggling with the best operations strategy to manage the repair process across the reverse supply chain.

SICI: 0393-5108(2019)37:109<17:SFTROS>2.0.ZU;2-W
Testo completo: https://ojs.sijm.it/index.php/sinergie/article/view/748/268

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