
Haas, Reinhard

On the draft of the Austrian National Energy and Climate Plan
Economics and policy of energy and environment
Anno: 2019 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 43 - Pagina finale: 55

The Austrian National Energy and Climate Plan is based on five so-called target dimensions which are: (i) decarbonization, (ii) energy efficiency, (iii) supply security, (iv) market integration and (v) Research and development. In this article the major measures and policies in these target dimensions of the NECP are described. These are considered by the Austrian government to be necessary to achieve the objectives of the Energy Union. These measures are all planned to be taken between now and 2030. Similar measures already implemented in many areas of action, which need to be adapted or further strengthened. Other action lines include entirely new measures, particularly in those areas where the use of new technologies and solutions requires adapted instruments. However, in the public, the EU and Austrian NGOs the draft of the NECP has been heavily criticized and more ambitious actions have been requested.

SICI: 2280-7659(2019)1<43:OTDOTA>2.0.ZU;2-N
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