
Gandellini, Giorgio
Tatananni, Giulia

A marketing approach in providing internationalization support services to Italian SMEs
Piccola impresa
Anno: 2018 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 86 - Pagina finale: 104

Despite the suggestions of an abundant literature the need to adopt a marketing approach in providing internationalization support services to SMEs, most public bodies which have the aim of helping companies in their internationalization endeavors do not comply with these guidelines. This has negative implications in terms of effectiveness and efficiency of the services. The research project, summarized in this paper, consisted in a cluster analysis of about 111 SMEs of southern Italy that allowed the identification of three segments of companies, different in terms of involvement and readiness to internationalize and with different needs in terms of internationalization support services. Based on the characteristics and needs of each segment, it is possible to suggest different and more appropriate support services. The study contributes to the literature by providing an empirical analysis that further emphasizes the need to align the supply to the demand of support services. Moreover, the paper suggests to public bodies a feasible and basic marketing approach for better supporting SMEs’ internationalization processes.

SICI: 0394 7947(2018)2<86:AMAIPI>2.0.ZU;2-W
Testo completo: http://rivistapiccolaimpresa.uniurb.it/index.php/piccola/article/view/287/122122140

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