
Farina, Patrizia

Ineguaglianze e povertà delle donne nella Cina dello sviluppo economico
Storia delle donne
Anno: 2017 - Volume: 13 - Pagina iniziale: 63 - Pagina finale: 78

Since 1978, the poor population in China has shrunk by almost 500 million and the proportion of malnourished people, about 25% in 1992, has fallen to 10% in 2012-2014. However, not everyone benefited from this extraordinary economic performance. In saying “let some people get rich before the others”, the post-Mao leadership promoted a model of development that accepted both the disparities between different groups and the marginalization of the most vulnerable people. Among the latter, women are the majority because the programs implemented to fight poverty underestimated gender specificities.

SICI: 1826-7505(2017)13<63:IPDDNC>2.0.ZU;2-A
Testo completo: http://www.fupress.net/index.php/sdd/article/download/23956/21535

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