
Vezzosi, Ginevra
Verzina, Pietro

Aspetti della ricezione dei Canti Ciprii in Pallada (AP 11.54 e 55) e alcuni possibili intermediari
Anno: 2017 - Volume: 43 - Pagina iniziale: 234 - Pagina finale: 252

Starting from some remarks on a hypothetical imitative relationship between the Cypria and, respectively, Theognis and Callimachus, the paper adopts the concept of literary contamina­tion in the analysis of two sympotic epigrams by Palladas of Alexandria (AP 11.54 and 55), which are interrelated and can be connected with both archaic lyric (especially Anacreon) and epic poetry. The paper also stresses the importance of the indirect tradition of fragmentary verse as a literary source for Late Antique poetry.

SICI: 0391-2698(2017)43<234:ADRDCC>2.0.ZU;2-#
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