
Sacco, Alessio

"Come i malati di oftalmia": funzioni e variazioni di un'immagine medica in Plutarco
Anno: 2017 - Volume: 43 - Pagina iniziale: 211 - Pagina finale: 228

Among the large number of medical images recurring in Plutarch’s works, the one concerning visual disturbances and photophobia is often compared with ethical considerations and prac­tical instructions in the context of the topical comparison between body and mind diseases or passions (De adul. 69A, 72B; De exil. 599F; De tranq. an. 469A; De frat. am. 490C-D; De laud. ips. 543E-F; Comp. Ar. et Men. 854C). The varietas showed by Plutarch in the use of this image is a prime example of his ability for adroit adaptation of this kind of metaphors and similes to different contexts. 

SICI: 0391-2698(2017)43<211:"IMDOF>2.0.ZU;2-P
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