
Misso, Rosa
Borrelli, Irene Paola

Wine system e identità territoriale = Wine system and territorial identity
Economia & diritto agroalimentare
Anno: 2013 - Volume: 18 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 97 - Pagina finale: 113

The new scenarios of wine sector are requiring a revisiting in terms of sustainability of sector development strategies not just simply with refer to market, but also to society and the territories. Among the possible strategies for achieving sustainability of well-being, in particular, identity protection plays a central role because it increases the sense of belonging of individuals to the model of economic, social, environmental and generational development in which they are a fundamental part. After outlining a synoptic scheme of the relationships existing between wine system and territorial identity, this paper offers a case study of a territorial system with wine vocation designed to highlight the interrelationships between the growth of territorial identity and the strategies implemented by companies.

SICI: 1970-9498(2013)18:1<97:WSEIT=>2.0.ZU;2-P
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