
Giorgi, Chiara

Socialismo/comunismo: questione terminologica e implicazioni politiche
Anno: 2014 - Volume: 52 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 149 - Pagina finale: 164

This article confronts a terminological question that stems from the attempt to trace a genealogy of socialist thought, highlighting the problematic, aporetic and unresolved elements especially those conflicts fought in the name of socialism. Setting out from an analysis of the relationship between socialism and communism in some of Marx's writings, the author then turns to consider how other twentieth century Marxists (in particular Lelio Basso) confronted the definition of the one or the other term, sometimes distinguishing them and at other times not. Over and above the terminological question, the very specification of the meaning of the term 'socialism' reveals some theoretical and political implications that are important in the light of a more recent history of socialism.

SICI: 1122-5300(2014)52:2<149:SQTEIP>2.0.ZU;2-5
Testo completo: http://www.rivisteweb.it/download/article/10.7377/80014
Testo completo alternativo: http://www.rivisteweb.it/doi/10.7377/80014

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