Sarzotti, ClaudioTitolo
Lavori domestici e il modello organizzativo della gestione mista: il caso di un’ipotesi di carcere a BolzanoPeriodico
L'altro dirittoAnno:
2023 - Volume:
7 - Pagina iniziale:
135 - Pagina finale:
167The article examines the case study of the construction project for a new prison in the city of Bolzano through interviews with privileged witnesses and administrative documentation. Even being currently blocked, the project is run through a system of project financing with the penitentiary institution being managed jointly by the private concessionaire and the penitentiary administration. This would be one of the first examples in Italy of the privatization of non-core services of a penitentiary institution. The article highlights the possible strengths and critical points of this mixed management system, which have already been tested in some European countries (in particular, in France)
SICI: 1827-0565(2023)7<135:LDEIMO>2.0.ZU;2-4
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