
Konderak, Letizia

Opere congiunte della natura e dell’uomo. Una prospettiva fenomenologica sulla biodiversità
L'altro diritto
Anno: 2023 - Volume: 7 - Pagina iniziale: 117 - Pagina finale: 134

This paper analyzes the notion of biodiversity as an example of the aporias of the current strategies to face the environmental crisis. These aporias depend on the economic translation of the environmental issue, due to the pas-sage from the environmentalism of intrinsic value to a governmentality of the ecological crisis based on the anthropic valorization of nature. Specifically, the hypothesis that technique is the human evolutionary way of modifying the environment and that other species have technique is assessed. Employing Hannah Arendt’s phenomenology, this contribution recognizes the world as the product of human technique and the vantage point for objectifying and valorizing nature. Arendt’s notion of culture, intertwining nature and world, grounds a rethinking of the environmentalism of anthropic value beyond the economic syntax of Ecosystem Services

SICI: 1827-0565(2023)7<117:OCDNED>2.0.ZU;2-Z

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