Gentili, AndreaTitolo
L’Altro Diritto. Rivista - 2023, Vol. 7 – ISSN 1827-0565 Ecologia e giurisprudenza. Per un’interpretazione concettuale dei contenziosi climaticiPeriodico
L'altro dirittoAnno:
2023 - Volume:
7 - Pagina iniziale:
99 - Pagina finale:
116This paper delves into the burgeoning legal landscape of climate change litigations, with a particular emphasis on the European context, spotlighting the landmark cases of Urgenda and Affaire du Siecle. According to an analysis of the factual and legal elements of the climate litigations, the paper's hypothesis is that it is possible to identify three conceptual elements within the litigations, which transcend the properly procedural element of the judgments. These elements are identified and analyzed as institutionality, territoriality, and subjectivity. Together they constitute a single moment, which is that of the localization of environmental instances, and thus of their engagement as singular cases. Their combination, understood in their dynamic intertwining process, will suggest, in the conclusions, that a jurisprudential practice of ecology is concretely possible as a praxis of self-determination and self-localization
SICI: 1827-0565(2023)7<99:LDR-2V>2.0.ZU;2-V
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