Tedesco, LuciaTitolo
Nelle notti abitate da fuochi di chimica combusta: giustizia ambientale e pratiche di resistenza nella laguna veneta (1990-2022)Periodico
L'altro dirittoAnno:
2023 - Volume:
7 - Pagina iniziale:
79 - Pagina finale:
98This contribution, through a combination of methodologies such as history, ethnography and sociology, explores the environmental and social reality of the Venetian lagoon. It analyses the last thirty years focusing on the development of the Porto Marghera industrial site, in order to understand the management of the contamination inherited from the chemical site and the still unresolved problems. After interacting with and listening to the inhabitants of the Venetian lagoon, an attempt will be made to answer crucial questions such as: what is the deepest wound linked to Porto Marghera’s past events for those who live in Venice? What is the common feeling about the future of the industrial centre? Is it possible to obtain Environmental Justice for those who, today and tomorrow, will be part of the history of Venice and its lagoon?
SICI: 1827-0565(2023)7<79:NNADFD>2.0.ZU;2-L
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