
Arcuri, Lucia

Oltre un’atavica dicotomia: il tissage come metafora della relazione tra umano e natura
L'altro diritto
Anno: 2023 - Volume: 7 - Pagina iniziale: 60 - Pagina finale: 78

The ancient dichotomy between human and nature, prominent in the history of Western thought, has often given rise to philosophical interpretations that lean excessively towards anthropocentrism or biocentrism. An alternative perspective could emerge through the metaphor of the art of weaving, aimed at providing an interpretative framework that allows conceiving the relationship between human and nature as a complex network of constantly evolving connections, mutual interactions, actions, and dynamics. The spelunking expedition evoked in the film “Il Buco” (The Hole) opens up a theoretical exploration of the term “nature” and ecology, primarily referring to possible ways of understanding nature through the thought of philosopher Cornelius Castoriadis. Subsequently, a reflection on the natural artifact will be introduced, and finally, the metaphor of weaving common to anthropologist Tim Ingold’s thought and Castoriadis' reflection will be examined as a metaphor for the human-nature relationship

SICI: 1827-0565(2023)7<60:OUDITC>2.0.ZU;2-J

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