
Chiaramonte, Xenia

Nascita della biodiversità
L'altro diritto
Anno: 2023 - Volume: 7 - Pagina iniziale: 35 - Pagina finale: 59

This article is part of a broader research that deals with the relationship between law and nature by following the traces of this long-standing and controversial relationship, while at the same time placing itself in the perspective of a history of the present, that is, a mode of inquiry that critically questions how law can, today, speak “ecologically”. An inescapable fragment of such research is devoted to the concept of biodiversity. The main hypothesis is that of a distinction between a present governed through biodiversity as opposed to a past in which the aim was, much more modestly, to conserve biological diversity. The perspective is that of a genealogy of biodiversity, that is, the construction of a history of the political use of this concept rather than the evaluation of the sustainability or otherwise of the policies that make use of it

SICI: 1827-0565(2023)7<35:NDB>2.0.ZU;2-W

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