Pulvirenti, Chiara MariaTitolo
«As a Loom for Weaving». UNESCO and the Arid Zone Program’s Network (1945-1964)Periodico
2024 - Volume:
106 - Fascicolo:
3 - Pagina iniziale:
355 - Pagina finale:
380The article investigates UNESCO’s Arid Zone Program (1950-1964), emphasizing its role in establishing a network of scientists and fostering international collaboration on arid region issues. The program aimed to support research, provide training for scientists, and disseminate information regarding arid zones. It organized conferences, commissioned studies, and conducted seminars, thereby significantly expanding its reach and influence. The article also explores the interplay between science and diplomacy within the program, the impact of colonial and post-colonial contexts, and the program’s contribution to developing a global knowledge infrastructure despite some limitations and biases.
SICI: 1127-3070(2024)106:3<355:«ALFWU>2.0.ZU;2-X
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