Schettini, LauraTitolo
Lo stigma della «buona donna». Narrazioni e paesaggi del lavoro sessuale nella storia contemporaneaPeriodico
Studi culturaliAnno:
2024 - Fascicolo:
2 - Pagina iniziale:
245 - Pagina finale:
254Three recent books approach the topic of sex work from different perspectives – historical, political science and with ethnographic research – and reflect around the gap between the historical complexity of prostitution and its oversimplification in public representations and policies. While prostitution is about the social and labour position of women and, if anything, male sexuality, it has instead been historically portrayed as a female morality and sexuality issue. As a result, policies to regulate prostitution only intervene in women’s lives, making them worse off. In addition, by framing prostitution as a moral issue related to women’s respectability, the fear of being seen as a «loose woman» has become a powerful tool of discipline and self-discipline for all women
SICI: 1824-369X(2024)2<245:LSD«DN>2.0.ZU;2-D
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