
Turvani, Margherita
Favaro, Donata
Ninka, Eniel

Human capital, technology intensity, and growth in a regional context
Argomenti : rivista di economia, cultura e ricerca sociale (Online)
Anno: 2018 - Fascicolo: 9 - Pagina iniziale: 45 - Pagina finale: 66

In this article, we study the pattern of growth in one of the Italian best performing regions – the Veneto region – focusing on the role played by human capital and technology. Our aim is to verify the growth effect of human capital and technological intensity. The period considered is the pre-crisis period between 2001 and 2005. The results of the regressions clearly show how in the Veneto region the productive “specialization”, which has the greatest impact on growth, is the one in high-technology. However, human capital employed in high-technology intensive sectors does not explain growth significantly. This suggests an under-employment of human capital in the sectors at the frontier and the need to intervene with policies that develop high-technology industries. Keywords: regional growth, human capital, technology intensity, spatial analysis. JEL Classification: O1, O3, C21

SICI: 1971-8357(2018)9<45:HCTIAG>2.0.ZU;2-4
Testo completo: https://journals.uniurb.it/index.php/argomenti/article/view/1288/1384

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