
Martinelli, Claudio

Le conseguenze della Brexit sull'Irlanda del Nord: dal Backstop di Theresa May al Windsor Framework di Rishi Sunak
Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo
Anno: 2023 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 803 - Pagina finale: 830

The signing of The Windsor Framework between the UK and the EU, followed by the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, is a good opportunity to reflect again on the characteristics of the Northern Ireland Devolution. The article reconstructs the difficult negotiations to resolve the problem of Northern Ireland’s legal status reopened by the Brexit affair and tries to explain the complex intertwining of legal and political reasons that led to the long period of institutional instability in Ulster, with the aim of understanding how the negotiations tried to face the disturbing effects of Brexit.

SICI: 1720-4313(2023)3<803:LCDBSD>2.0.ZU;2-B
Testo completo: https://www.rivisteweb.it/download/article/10.17394/108154
Testo completo alternativo: https://www.rivisteweb.it/doi/10.17394/108154

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